tandem drinking fountains / by NIcole Sherman

Recently, Tandem Friends School commissioned fine CONCRETE to design a series of water fountains that would replace their current cup-and-cooler system, and champion their mission to reduce their environmental footprint by producing less waste and highlighting the importance of water in our daily lives. Four fountains were specified for the middle and upper schools; the design sought to emphasize simplicity, function, and elegance, while making a statement for the school.

The concrete drinking fountains we proposed were designed as a two-tiered system of distinct concrete elements interacting together in a conversation of overlapping forms.  Combinations of cantilevers and legged structures float off the wall, and while the two basins visually connect, they are held off of each other in tension. The basins of the fountains are folded planes of tactile surface that encourage interaction by studetns and teachers.  The majority of plumbing is integral with the formwork and can accommodate a water cooler if desired. The fountains are ADA compliant and can be specified in gray, black or green with custom colors available in a variety of palettes.

Tandem was wonderful to work with – we applaud their mission and thank Beck Cohen for their enthusiasm and expertise in helping to plumb this new system.